Pastor Dan's Insights / Blog

Thoughts on the Lord and how you can invite him into your life. Celebrate Him.

Church Plant Update April 1, 2021

By Pastor Dan

Welcome to the Camino de Fe monthly update! Thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support! You have been a part of my ministry in some way and I am thankful to God for you. The Camino de Fe Church family is so grateful for your partnership in sharing the Good News…

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Dar gracias a Dios en medio de la pandemia

¿Puedes dar Gracias a Dios en medio de una Pandemia?

By Pastor Dan

Aquí en los Estados Unidos, el cuarto Jueves de Noviembre celebramos el ‘Día de Acción de Gracias,’ esta es una fiesta nacional en honor a los primeros colonizadores y los nativos americanos que se reunieron para tener una fiesta histórica de la cosecha. Como dijo mi hija menor, “este Día de Acción de Gracias va…

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Giving thanks in the midst of a pandemic

Can you give Thanks to God in the Midst of a Pandemic?

By Pastor Dan

On the fourth Thursday of November, here in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday honoring the early settlers and Native Americans who came together to have a historic harvest feast. As my middle daughter said, “this Thanksgiving Day is going to be different.” We can all agree with that statement. With a…

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Oración por las Elecciones

By Pastor Dan

Hoy es día de elecciones aquí en los Estados Unidos. Pensé que sería bueno brindarles palabras de alivio de la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia) y ofrecer una oración por nuestras elecciones. Como creyentes, sabemos, y la Biblia nos dice, que nada sucede aquí en este mundo a menos que Dios lo establezca de esa…

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Election Day Prayer

By Pastor Dan

Today is election day here in the United States. I thought it would be good to give you words of comfort from God’s word and offer a prayer for our elections. As believers, we know, and the Bible tells us, that nothing happens here in this world unless God establishes it that way. The Apostle…

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Versículo Bíblico Favorito

By Pastor Dan

Crecí asistiendo al edificio de una iglesia Cristiana los Domingos. Recuerdo las clases de escuela dominical y reuniones de grupos de jóvenes. Mi abuelita solía llevarnos a mis hermanas y a mí todos los Domingos mientras vivíamos con ella en Perú. Mi mamá tomó ese trabajo años después. La iglesia, la fe y Dios, el…

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Favorite Verse

By Pastor Dan

I grew up going to a church building to worship on Sundays. I remember going to Sunday School classes and youth group gatherings. My Grandma used to take my sisters and me every Sunday while we lived with her in Peru. Then my mom took that job. As long as I remember, church, faith and…

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Volunteers working at the food pantry

Bernardsville church opens food pantry

By Pastor Dan

Camino de Fe Lutheran church along with leaders in the community have been working together to help families in need.

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2017-12 Newsletter

By Pastor Dan

“And the gospel must be preached to all nations” Mark 13:10 November 1, 2017 was an awesome day! Even though we didn’t see fireworks or a parade, a new community of believers was formed in Bernardsville. After months of conversations with different friends and neighbors in the community; and while training in church planting with…

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