2017-12 Newsletter

“And the gospel must be preached to all nations” Mark 13:10

November 1, 2017 was an awesome day! Even though we didn’t see fireworks or a parade, a new community of believers was formed in Bernardsville. After months of conversations with different friends and neighbors in the community; and while training in church planting with Pastor Peeples from Ridgewood, I ventured into starting a meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 pm at the Figueroa’s house where we have faith and life conversations with the intention that this will turn into a new church community.

Our meetings in Bernardsville are mainly in Spanish and it lasts for an hour. We start with a prayer, followed by a conversation on the Bible (Bible basic type of conversation). We finish by praying together the Lord’s Prayer and with the blessing. Every fourth meeting we have fellowship – we eat together. Everyone brings a meal and we enjoy each other’s company.

It has been a month, and we have had five different families join us on Wednesdays in Bernardsville. On November 28 we started another community of believers in Stirling (Gillette). We will meet every Tuesday afternoon, our gatherings are bilingual and will follow the same format as the group in Bernardsville. You might remember this family because their daughter was baptized several weeks ago at our church.

This is the work that, thanks to you, I am doing in our community and in the surrounding areas. This is what God has commanded us all to do, “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations.” Matt 28:19. Between all the families that are a part of this new community we are reaching six different nations: Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and USA.

Thank you for the opportunity that you have given me to go to the nations on your behalf, so that the gospel is preached. I encourage you to pray for the families that are a part of this new community. Pray that their faith is strengthened and that they will invite others to join us.

I also ask you to pray for me as I continue my church planting training with Pastor Peeples. My last year of seminary studies will begin in January 2018 with an intensive course at the Seminary for a week, followed by online classes. I am expected to graduate and complete my General Pastor Certification seminary studies on December 14, 2018.

Pray that the Lord continues to strengthen me as I go out and reach those who do not know Jesus yet.

If you want to learn more about the work I am doing and see more pictures, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.