Pastor Dan Fenco


Pastor Dan Fenco

Daniel Fenco is a pastor and church planter, who takes advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Jesus.  Pastor Dan believes that in order to reach more people with the love of Christ, we need to create new communities (church plants) where people can worship, grow, and serve God together.

Pastor Dan’s passion has led him to start a Bilingual/Spanish-speaking church in Bernardsville and in Somerville. Pastor Dan serves at the church he planted, Camino de Fe Lutheran Church, where he serves as a Pastor and Church Planter.

Along with his other responsibilities at his local church (ie. Creating and executing the mision and vision of the church plant, Bible studies, teaching and preaching), Pastor Dan is invited to speak at other churches and venues. 

Pastor Dan Fenco and the Church Plant Mission

On November 1, 2017, Pastor Dan, along with two more families, started a small group meeting in Bernardsville every Wednesday at 7:30 pm. They meet in different homes, pray together and study the Word of God together.  The small group meetings started with the intention of becoming a Bilingual/Spanish speaking church in Bernardsville. This is the vision for this group in Bernardsville, and we dream of starting a new community in Somerville with the same vision.


Here is how you can help: Pray for the church mission. Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen the faith of our families participating, so that they will be able to share their faith with the world. Join our team. You can join us! You can participate in our gatherings or you can refer people in the surrounding areas to join us. Financial Support. There are expenses starting anything new and there is no difference in starting a new church. Even though our gatherings are done in different homes in the area, our goal is to launch our public gathering in the next six months. Whether it is at SHLC or at a place in the community, we need the financial support to make that happen. Right now our gatherings are done in Spanish with the purpose of doing it Bilingual. Our Bibles are Bilingual. You can contribute towards our Bibles which cost $25.00. If you would like to know more about our five, three and one year new church plan, please contact Pastor Dan at

Who is a father?

By Pastor Dan | June 19, 2023

Who is a father? Or what makes a father? Is it bringing children into this world and providing for them? Is it to give our children the things that we didn’t have? All those things are good, and oftentimes we do those things well, but, what truly makes a father is his loving character, his…

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¿Quién es un padre?

By Pastor Dan | June 19, 2023

¿Quién es un padre? ¿O qué hace a alguien ser padre? ¿Es traer niños a este mundo y proveer para ellos? ¿Es alguien que le da a sus hijos las cosas que ellos no tuvieron? Todas esas cosas son buenas y, a menudo, las hacemos bien, pero lo que realmente hace a un padre es…

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Que es el Dia Conmemorativo?

By Pastor Dan | May 29, 2023

En Estados Unidos se celebra lo que se llama “Memorial Day” o en Español, Día Conmemorativo o Dia de los Caídos. Es un día donde se honra, respeta y recuerda a todos aquellos que dieron el último sacrificio – sus vidas – por la libertad de este país. Mucha gente celebra con diferentes celebraciones memoriales…

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Celebrando el Dia de las Madres

By Pastor Dan | May 13, 2023

Una vez más, aqui en los EE. UU. estamos celebrando el Día de la Madre al igual que en algunos países de América Latina. Las madres son una de esas creaciones únicas que Dios nos dio. Las madres nos cuidan, protegen y guían; debemos honrarlas y siempre agradecer a Dios por ellas. Ya sea que…

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La Mejor Manera de Empezar el Año Nuevo

By Pastor Dan | December 31, 2022

Estamos aquí de nuevo, en la víspera de Año Nuevo, contemplando los desafíos que trajo el 2022 y anticipando las nuevas oportunidades que traerá el Año Nuevo. Hemos estado aquí antes. Hemos hecho promesas y resoluciones antes, pero días y semanas después del nuevo año, esas promesas y resoluciones quedaron en el olvido y volvemos…

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The Best Way to Start the New Year

By Pastor Dan | December 31, 2022

Here we are again, on New Year’s Eve, contemplating the challenges that 2022 brought and looking ahead to the new opportunities the New Year will bring. We have been here before. We have made promises and resolutions before, but days and weeks into the new year, those promises, and resolutions are long forgotten, and we…

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La Palabra de Dios nos Cambia

By Pastor Dan | October 30, 2022

“La Palabra de Dios nos cambia” es el título del tercer mensaje de la serie, “Resistir: Aliento mientras sufrimos por nuestra fe Cristiana.” Esta serie está basada en el libro de 1 de Pedro. Lectura 1 Pedro 1:22 – 2:10 Dale un like y comparte este video. Gracias por seguirme! Royalty Free Music from Bensound…

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Peregrinos en este Mundo

By Pastor Dan | October 23, 2022

“Peregrinos en este Mundo” es el título del segundo mensaje de la serie, “Resistir: Aliento mientras sufrimos por nuestra fe Cristiana.” Esta serie está basada en el libro de 1 de Pedro. Lectura 1 Pedro 1:13-21 Dale un like y comparte este video. Gracias por seguirme! Royalty Free Music from Bensound Image by Elias from…

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Nacer de Nuevo

By Pastor Dan | October 19, 2022

“Nacer de Nuevo” es el titulo del primer mensaje de la serie, “Resistir: Aliento mientras sufrimos por nuestra fe Cristiana.” Esta serie esta basada en el libro de 1 de Pedro. Lectura: 1 Pedro 1:1-12 Dale un Like, y comparte este video. Gracias por seguirme! Royalty Free Music from Bensound Image by Elias from Pixabay

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Prayer for the challenges of Today

By Pastor Dan | September 28, 2022

It is good to ask someone else, such as a pastor or friend, to pray for you. There are situations in our lives that take away our energy and joy and we need God’s help to guide us and lead us. He is the only One that promised to hear our prayers and to answer…

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