Pastor Dan Fenco

Pastor Dan Fenco
Daniel Fenco is a pastor and church planter, who takes advantage of every opportunity to share the love of Jesus. Pastor Dan believes that in order to reach more people with the love of Christ, we need to create new communities (church plants) where people can worship, grow, and serve God together.
Pastor Dan’s passion has led him to start a Bilingual/Spanish-speaking church in Bernardsville and in Somerville. Pastor Dan serves at the church he planted, Camino de Fe Lutheran Church, where he serves as a Pastor and Church Planter.
Pastor Dan Fenco and the Church Plant Mission
On November 1, 2017, Pastor Dan, along with two more families, started a small group meeting in Bernardsville every Wednesday at 7:30 pm. They meet in different homes, pray together and study the Word of God together. The small group meetings started with the intention of becoming a Bilingual/Spanish speaking church in Bernardsville. This is the vision for this group in Bernardsville, and we dream of starting a new community in Somerville with the same vision.

Here is how you can help: Pray for the church mission. Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen the faith of our families participating, so that they will be able to share their faith with the world. Join our team. You can join us! You can participate in our gatherings or you can refer people in the surrounding areas to join us. Financial Support. There are expenses starting anything new and there is no difference in starting a new church. Even though our gatherings are done in different homes in the area, our goal is to launch our public gathering in the next six months. Whether it is at SHLC or at a place in the community, we need the financial support to make that happen. Right now our gatherings are done in Spanish with the purpose of doing it Bilingual. Our Bibles are Bilingual. You can contribute towards our Bibles which cost $25.00. If you would like to know more about our five, three and one year new church plan, please contact Pastor Dan at
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